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IMG_9676_SquareThis year’s Triple Threat Boot Camp (TTBC) was truly an amazing sight. Nearly 80 students gathered on our stage, each and every one of them as talented and as passionate about theatre as the next. We spoke to four different students over the week about the camp and why, after 10 years, TTBC is still the highlight of the summer…


Q: Hello! Can you tell us a little bit about yourselves?

Andrew Arnold: I am a senior this year and a six-year veteran at QCT, spanning 10 shows and six TTBC showcases. I extremely enjoy acting as well as singing and dancing. I’ve also formally taken dance for six years.

Audrey Molidor: My name is Audrey and I like tigers, singing, playing, and acting. I also have been in four productions at QCT. I have a brother, Mitchell, and a sister, Margot, and my mom and dad. I love animals and have a poodle.

Alexandria Thomas: My name is Alexandria Thomas. I am 14, and I really enjoy theatre, art, playing the piano, and being with my friends and family. I am homeschooled and am going to be a freshman in high school.

Abigail Oakley: I’m 15 years old and a sophomore at QHS. I’m involved in the QHS music department and am a member of the marching band and concert choir. I’ve been dancing for 12 years at Heinze Dance Academy. I’m also a member of Beta Club at QHS. I’m involved in Operation Serve, which is a volunteer organization centered at St. John’s Church, and I was also a member of the St. John’s Youth Mission Team and went to Guatemala this summer.


Q: This is the 10th anniversary of TTBC. How many Boot Camps have you attended? Which has been your favorite and why?

Andrew Arnold: I have been here at TTBC for six years. I feel that my favorite year was 2015. Why? Kelsey took charge of the TTBC franchise and added so many extra layers to the mix. Duets, specialty numbers, even connected themes and medleys. With all of this added on top of the already existing songs and scenes, I saw myself truly challenged to make my art better—as quickly as possible.

Audrey Molidor: I have attended two, including this one, and this one is my favorite because I love the people and the medley.

Alexandria Thomas: This is my fourth year at TTBC, and it is still one of the most fun and interesting summer activities I do. My favorite year was my second. I had a decent-sized pat as a narrator in our scene, and that show was absolutely hilarious. I can’t wait to make so many more great memories at boot camp.

Abigail Oakley: I’ve attended six Boot Camps. My favorite has been this year because I think the theme is very interesting. Since I’m in the high school group, we’re doing scenes from a more serious and complicated musical, and it’s very interesting to explore. I also think we’re doing a lot of very interesting songs this year.


IMG_9263_edit_squareQ: If you had to describe TTBC, how would you describe it?

Andrew Arnold: Challenging. Most people shy away from the word challenging, but with TTBC, if you meet the challenge, you will persevere and shine. With Boot Camp, it’s all about what you put in, if you put a lot of effort, you’ll improve that much. If you don’t apply yourself, then you won’t learn as much as if you did apply yourself.

Audrey Molidor: I would describe camp as fun, purple, a learning experience, and a great way to make good friends.

Alexandria Thomas: I would describe Boot Camp as super educational and fun. I learn so much in that one week that really helps me and makes me a more well-rounded person. Boot Camp is also really intense. All the kids have to learn so much in such a short time, but everyone always works together to put on a great show.

Abigail Oakley: I would describe it as very demanding, but a fun experience. It’s physically and mentally demanding because practice is eight hours a day and we have to learn everything in less than a week. As demanding as it is, it’s also tons of fun. I love learning all the scenes and songs and getting to work with different people.


Q: What is your favorite part about TTBC and why?

Andrew Arnold: The constant family atmosphere. Everyone is compelled to accept all others and everyone feels comfortable to be themselves.

Audrey Molidor: The people because they are all so nice and fun to be around. I love getting to come here and will never miss a chance to come.

Alexandria Thomas: What I love most about TTBC is how I get to work with so many amazing people to create something I’m really proud to be a part of. Boot Camp has been a big part of my life. I really think it helps build confidence, leadership, and team work skills. I think any child could benefit from TTBC.

Abigail Oakley: My favorite part is putting the show together in such a short time because it forces us to focus and really work hard. Also, the time limit makes us spend a lot of time together, so we build relationships and have tons of fun.


IMG_6072_editQ: If you had to choose the most important thing that Boot Camp has taught you, what would you choose and why?

Andrew Arnold: Perseverance and persistence. Boot Camp is hard, but if you constantly push yourself to do well you will succeed. It teaches me to work hard for a successful payoff.

Audrey Molidor: Responsibility, because you have to practice and get up early and memorize lines. I think it has also taught me to be fun, kind, and open in expressing my feelings.

Alexandria Thomas: Boot Camp pushes me to really work as a team member. To be a good actor, you really have to pay attention to the people and things going on around you. Every action that occurs needs the right reaction to make the meaning clear. Sometimes what someone does will be different than what you expect, but the camp has taught me to be able to handle alternative scenarios. I think it has given me a solid base as an actress, singer, and dancer. It has taught me so many important tips that could help me land good roles or just help me in everyday life. It makes me more confident and reminds me to work with others.

Abigail Oakley: Boot Camp has taught me to come out of my shell. I started it as a nine-year-old and was very shy at the time. TTBC helped me break that and continue to do so throughout the years. It has also helped me be more prepared for auditions in the future. We have to learn songs, lines, blocking, and choreography very quickly, which is similar to how they’re learned in auditions. It has also taught me to focus and work hard. Since the show is prepared in such a short time, these two things are very important and will help later in life.


IMG_7823Q: What do you hope to do after high school?

Andrew Arnold: I am extremely passionate about acting and hope to go into the fine arts world during and after college. I will also be studying psycology as a second major to assist with acting and serve as a backup plan.

Audrey Molidor: I plan to go to college and get a good job.

Alexandria Thomas: I would like to be an intelligence analyst for the Air Force. Acting is a huge part of who I am, so I would love to continue being in musicals and plays as well.

Abigail Oakley: I plan to go to college or university. I haven’t decided on a major yet, but I’ve considered law or journalism. I also might minor in something related to instrumental music.


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