Thomsen Talk: Enjoy Endless Possibilities
Question: How’s your sabbatical going?
Answer: It starts March 1.
I am amazed how many people know about my sabbatical! Practically everyone I have encountered since my last Thomsen Talk has brought it up to me. What has been very touching and very encouraging is the amount of support surrounding the decision. People have told me that they are excited for what I will learn and excited for how QCT will also benefit as a result of it. I appreciate that tremendous amount of positivity.
So what I am doing before March 1? Well, I’m still working fulltime. I am putting together production teams for each of the shows in the 2024 season. I am reviewing resumes for directors and designers and having conversations with possible collaborators. There’s an irony about this: As I am reviewing resumes and interviewing artists, I have to send my materials out there, too, and interview for possible directing opportunities. I am experiencing both sides of the table!
I’ve transitioned from my “scared phase” to my “carefree phase.” Initially, I was scared about finding jobs, and now I’m excited about the freedom to take any opportunity anywhere because I have an open schedule. I imagine I will swap back and forth between these phases and add in a few more over the next few months, but for the moment, I am going to enjoy “endless possibilities.”
When March 1 hits, do I evaporate? Well, maybe. But that’s not my intention. I will be based in Quincy, and if/when a directing opportunity presents itself, I will travel to that theatre. When not directing, I intend to visit and tour theatres and have conversations with artistic directors and learn how other theatres operate. I’ll be accessible to QCT and will check in, and if in town, I may even attend auditions. I still take my responsibility as artistic director very seriously, and I want to help our staff, guest artists, and ultimately, QCT to thrive.
As we enter a new year, I encourage you to carve out time to do something that uplifts you and maybe even scares you. Find time to breathe and reflect. When you do, may you feel a community of support, ready to cheer you and embrace your findings.