Thomsen Talk: April 2016
Stories begin. Stories continue.
One of the final lines in CAMELOT is “What we did will be remembered.” Whether our production of CAMELOT will be remembered throughout the ages remains to be seen, and even if my mind goes tomorrow, which is likely, working on CAMELOT provided me with one of the most satisfying theatre experiences of my career. For six weeks of my life, I was in theatre euphoria, discovering this classic story alongside a team of people onstage and off that became dedicated to making this the richest experience possible.
Now I’m on to a new experience — different story, different actors, different crew. Will I forget about CAMELOT? I hope not, but I can’t promise that I won’t. But you see, we don’t do things because of the memories. It’s not having the memory that matters most, it’s creating the memory. And that’s what we do here at QCT: we create. And we create for you and because of you and with you. Get involved here and have an experience. It can be for as little or for as long as you’d like, but you’ll be doing something. Maybe you won’t remember it for the rest of your life, but while you were here doing it, it mattered. Because you began your QCT story, the QCT story can continue.