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A Bigger Story

IMG_0442_smallBIG FISH is an epic story. The term “epic”, from a literary point of view, regarded poetry written in a narrative format and of formidable length. The term “epic” has since dissolved into a more encompassing term that can be applied to film, theatre, and novels.

However, what audiences love about the genre of “epic” has never changed. Ever since its earliest days in Homer’s Iliad. These “epics” follow a hero as his fantastical and miraculous stories are chronicled. These chronicled tales take root in the idea that telling these stories teaches us something about our culture and heritage; even more importantly they tell us about where we come from. This idea is the heart and soul of BIG FISH. This is why audiences will love this show and ultimately why I have fallen in love.

BIG FISH’s epic finds its way into our hearts by first finding its way into our backyard or maybe our neighbors backyard, so to speak. Edward says it best, “We live in Alabama, […]. We got stories under every leaf and every stone.” BIG FISH begs us to ask ourselves whether or not heroes are people to be read about from far away places or if there are heroes we run into pumping gas, waiting in the doctor’s office or seated next to you in the theatre. But, an “epic” has to tell us something about ourselves, about where we come from. We all hunger, crave and even need to understand ourselves in terms of where we come from. That need in all of us to connect with our roots is what the “epic” is about. That need is the humanity inside of each line in BIG FISH.

Some of us struggle to understand ourselves or where we come from. While some may struggle to help others understand themselves or where they come from. However, when we make these deeper connections and stronger bonds we all become a little closer to one another. That’s what I feel when I read this script; I feel closer to humanity. I feel faith and love and what those two ideas mean to the idea of being human. I hope that when you watch this show our faith and love makes you feel a little closer to humanity. Humanity is something we can all use a little bit more of.

Dakotta Hagar
(Will Bloom)


March 16-18 & 22-25, 2018
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